Monday 5 December 2011

Cabin crew Over 35 and still trying for a baby!

Today is day 31 of the cycle and if I don't come on today I will really think I am pregnant. :)
Well; I still don't want to get too excited as I usually do come on about day 30-31 but I had sex again last night to try and hurry up the process and nothing... usually that would have brought it on if it was due; this morning nothing again ; HOWEVER; I have got cramps since about 6am and its 10am now and they havent really stopped so it could be that its on its way but just taking time. :( in which case the disappointment will be a nightmare. I'm so fed up and yet so hopeful every single month ; I have tried every month not to pay too much attention to "signs" but I can't help it.
I had very little boob pain till just 10days ago; Its not sore sore; its just there ; like they are not sore to the touch like they usually are but definately achey. My back has been quite achey on and off. See usually the boob pain is at a different time of the month and heres me; getting excited about a little change even though I have cramps AND have taken a test and it was Negative on day 28!!!!! I set myself up for this dissapointment; really I do.
I will see by tonight if nothing happens I will be going out for another test. :D

I have this link but I have seen it before from a previous time when I thought I was pregnant despite cramping.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Cabin crew Over 35 and still trying for a baby!

Ok I am up to day 30 of my cycle; I had a weird feeling I was pregnant a few days ago so I took a test on day 28 ; It was negative!!!!! Again!!!!! Today or tomorrow I am due on.
I just thought because I had sore boobs and Still have sore boobs even though its day 30. Which I thought was odd. Also I had period cramps about  a week ago which again I found odd; and also a little bit of back pain. I am being super sensitive to things though in general because I am so desperate to get pregnant before Christmas so I can if I want get out of going to Nigeria and working Christmas day.
So ; I was lying in bed this morning and started getting the usual cramps I get when I am about to come on; so I was really fed up this morning; so for about an hour or two I'm expecting it ; so I thought ( and this is maybe too much information) but I thought I'll have sex to bring it on and it will put me out of my misery and end all speculation.... but it didnt come and now I am not getting any cramps and it hasnt come and its been 5hrs at least!!!! Could this be it??? or am I just winding myself up again and going to be so disappointed tomorrow or late tonight.
We shall just have to wait and see. I will update it again tomorrow.